Why would a young woman need to hold on to her dreams like they were her life jacket?
By Åsa Nilsson | May 19, 2023

Summary of Episode: Bella already has a lifetime of experience in her toolbox. She teaches yoga, reiki, meditation, works full time in strategy management, is a published author, and, oh, by the way, did I mention she is 24?
Put on your OLD PERSON FACE now …
“Young people today… they are so entitled.. they are so used to getting everything they want, they have always been told they can have everything.” Queue eye roll. “Are these the people that are going to be running our country when we get into retirement age?!?!”
If Bella Miller is any indication as to the complexity and genuineness of the young people’s minds today, then I say we are going to be in safe hands.
How can we encourage deeper discussions in order to understand ONE ANOTHER more?
The disparity of the ages doesn’t have to be what separates us… it can be what binds us.
Opening up the lines of communication with the younger generation will only serve to help us all.
And man! These kids are smart! Much smarter than I ever was. They have the world at their fingertips, so what responsibilities come with that?
Let’s let Bella speak. I believe her. You will too.
Guest Name: Bella Miller
Guest contact Information:
Trigger Warning: The experiences and reflections in her book may trigger emotionally or physically traumatic experiences related to topics including, but not limited to, self-harm and suicide, sexual violence and rape, pregnancy and abortion, emotional and physical abuse, and toxic relationships. Please practice care as you read and take time to honor yourself and the experiences of others.
SPECIAL OFFER FROM BELLA: All More Moss to the People listeners/viewers will get 15% off my book or presale for my ebook using the code MOREMOSS. (The ebook will likely be the more accessible format for those outside the US).
Takeaway’s from this episode:
- What Bella learned with a 5 month stint in Australia when she was 18.
- Bella wrote a poem titled, “How can I be only 22 and feel this tired?” PREACH!
- Last year when her book was published, she felt she could finally slow down since she had the go-go-go pace since the age of 15.
- She now asks herself what is sustainable? What is fun and feels good?
- After graduating school and starting to work, Bella had no designated next milestones for the first time. How did that make her feel?
- Allowing herself just to be and not have to produce something. Has felt the pressure to do and be, finding a significant other, having an awesome job, to move.
- Bella’s life at 15, hit rock bottom. Depression. Went to bed and didn’t want to get up in the morning. Didn’t want to live. Trial and error for 8 years.
- “My dreams became my life jacket. What can help me dream and invite love into my heart and have hope in myself?”
- Learned through yoga that she could be in a safe and caring space to heal herself from the inside out.
- Pressures on young people today. “Not being enough is my biggest anxiety”.
- Bella recommends how we as elders can support the younger generations better: BELIEVE in them when they ask for support and want to share their dreams, wishes and wants. Offer a “Yes, I believe you. That makes so much sense. It’s not going to be easy but how can I help you?” Being a cheerleader of other people. There are enough places telling them they aren’t enough.
Sarah Kootvall, Bella’s Great Aunt, is one of my top supporters of my podcast. https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarah-kootval-a71219135/
IGS Energy in Dublin Ohio, Bella’s full time employer, https://www.igs.com/
On Becoming, Bellas book. https://www.fishtailpublishing.org/our-bookshelf/on-becoming Coca Cola Company, https://www.coca-colacompany.com/
Contact Information for Komeil Asli, Podcast Production Manager.
Freelance Graphic designer, UI/UX Designer and Front-end Developer.
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