What makes us think this is a dress rehearsal?
By Åsa Nilsson | Jan 12, 2024

This week finds me getting over the last bit of a cold and you know I like to share some of my cures that we’ve been administering in this house since Thomas and I have both been ill. Perhaps you would like to try some of my dog water tea?
What is happening? Why am I taken ill now? What do I need to feel so I can move through this instead of trying to bypass it?
This year, 2024 turns into an 8 year in Numerology, the year of the Executive. What does that mean? For me it’s the year of being the CEO over my own life.
Want to join me?
Host Name: Åsa Nilsson
Host contact Information:
- Body feeling depleted after the death of my brother in law
- Shall I hide or face the feelings?
- Tomorrow we fly to US for the funeral, we have done everything we possibly can to get healthy. I share some of my tips.
- Patreon page isn’t completed yet, some tax questions I am finalising before I announce it.
- 2024 is an 8 year, which in Numerology is the number of the Executive. What does this mean to me?
- Becoming the CEO over my own life. Will you?
- Who are you as a person? Are you happy?
- Every 7 years our bodies change, cells change. I am in a 7 year right now!
- What is the red thread of my life?
- How did this kismet occur with my new client from Stockholm that is also a fellow Buckeye from The Ohio State University? Amazing!
- Felt guilty last week about no episode,
- What makes us think our lives are a dress rehearsal?
Mentioned in this episode:
- DoTerra Essential Oils: https://www.doterra.com/US/en
- Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/en-GB/about
- The Ohio State University (Buckeyes) https://www.osu.edu/
- Jade Paunovich @jadefashionsherpa and her dog water tea recipe 🙂
Contact Information for Komeil Asli, Podcast Production Manager.
Freelance Graphic designer, UI/UX Designer and Front-end Developer.
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