What do you think DIARRHEA and DECLUTTERING have in common? ‘The Great Purge’ of my body AND my business.

By Åsa Nilsson | May 03, 2024

What do YOU think diarrhea and decluttering have in common? Probably not a question you’ve ever asked yourself but it’s a good question to ponder.

Our bodies purge poisons naturally (thankfully) and when something is out of whack or off kilter, the body attempts to remedy itself. A magical machine.

Well, knowing me, I will, of course, always question anything that is happening inside of me so today I went to a medical specialist to hear what is going on after 2 weeks of this happening. Diarrhea, that is. 

He stated that there is simply a bug inside of my system that needs to pass through. 

HA! I knew it! My Spirit Team was right! Yes, I check in with some of the best there are and I KNOW so much is happening in the Universe right now AND I wanted to still speak with a professional who specialises in belly problems.  I am spiritual, not naive.

So my friend… do you agree that the time is NOW for ‘The Great Purge’ of things that no longer ‘suit’ us. 

Whether that’s our bodies purging out whatever poisons don’t belong, purging papers and old ideas and thoughts for my business and starting with a new fresh slate. 

OOOH, I just LOVE new beginnings… I always have. 

Do you? 



Host: Åsa Nilsson

Host contact Information


  • My body is decluttering itself right now.
  • Shedding weight like I have done in the past. Stop focusing on it and it will happen. Who am I losing weight for?
  • Now I am shedding whatever remaining poison is in my body and I am thankful for it! 
  • Fish, veggies, chips and wine. Meal of champions. 
  • Past 2 weeks I have had diarrhea. Not sure what caused it but will go to a specialist today. 
  • Julie Poole tarot reader on YouTube I follow had a boil on her back, became abscessed… coming to a head. What in YOUR life is coming to a head?
  • Starting new, starting fresh. Brings me to the decluttering of my business too! 
  • I may have jumped the gun saying Thomas was joining me on day one. 
  • Business blank slate. I love blank slates, do you? 
  • I report to myself and God. No one else. 
  • I’m taking over as the breadwinner. Feels good and scary. I am ready for this.
  • Previous goals were all based on monetary goals. Not now. Now my passion projects INCLUDE my life and my love of working with people and helping them with their pivot. Not leaving a mess behind.
  • Re-writing my business plan with GOD as my partner in crime and how we want to serve in the highest and best. Swedish death cleaning my business!
  • Auditing my life, spending, shed and shred what? 
  • Getting rid of years of notes feels so good!!!! 
  • Asking myself What if I did something different this time, reach out to build a community of professionals that are in alignment with my work? Ex. funeral directors, attorneys who work with estates (like next week’s guest!!!!). 
  • I do believe in Spirit AND medical professionals. 
  • Thankful for the diarrhea, rather out than in, I say.

Mentioned in this episode:

Contact Information for Komeil Asli,  Podcast Production Manager.

Freelance Graphic designer, UI/UX Designer and Front-end Developer.

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Thank you so much for listening! 



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