Knowledge is enlightenment and enlightenment is the gateway to change.
By Åsa Nilsson | Oct 27, 2023

This week’s guest is a witchy woman who has officially outed herself in her churchy little town in Australia where she is now considered the local psychic, channeler and Halloween advocate!
We know I LOVE a human that dares to show up as themselves when it’s easier not to, especially in a small town where the risks are higher.
Melissa de Jong is a deeply spiritual gal that TRUSTS what she feels and knows as she applies her tool box of reiki, the akashic records, channelling and tarot cards to clear out energies in people’s homes that no longer belong. So cool!
The stories of our homes lie in the walls, my friend. And the home doesn’t forget.
I asked Mel to do a reading on my home and my land (remember, I live in Sweden) and she knocked my socks off.
You are going to love her! She is definitely doing the things that her heart is calling her to do.
Guest Name: Melissa de Jong
Guest contact Information:
- Sinead Fine at Tarot for Women, that’s how we met
- Australians shorten everything, Melissa quickly became Mel.
- Mel does Reiki, Akashic readings and Tarot readings, and now she’s adding something super cool to her offerings.
- An American girl, came to Australia via Israel where she met her beloved and never went back.
- Mel and I honour the 1300 Jewish people who were murdered on October 7th.
- Mel lives in a small church town where she is now the local psychic, channeler and Halloween advocate!
- Halloween is considered The Devil’s Birthday? Who knew?
- ”I am the beacon of light for people like me.”
- What are the Akashic records and how does Mel work in them to clear your home?
- Mel believes we ARE our homes, and the things that occur in our homes (since forever) stay in the walls.
- What do Land Assignments mean?
- Reverse engineering into personal development.
- Mel helps you discover what’s truly going on in your home. What’s yours, not yours? Moving stuck energy through reading the Akashic records and using TAROT CARDS in each room of your home. (SO FREAKING COOL!)
- “Knowledge is enlightenment. Enlightenment is the gateway to change.”
- Putting a kink in the chain of the looping that is your brain, by shifting the energy. -”We can disarm people through wisdom.”
- ”We can break down the armour of people around us just by what we have learned”.
- By working on the energy in your home, you will also be working on your relationships with everyone in the home! A WIN WIN!
- Mel homeschools her children as well as runs her business out of her home. You think her home needs to be a sacred, calm, organized and safe space for EVERYONE?! Yup!
- Mel helps people change the way they see themselves! -”Dare to be you. Be the “Fool” in the Tarot. You will find your people. Allow yourself to be reinvented over and over. Be excited for who you’re going to meet, that’s freedom.”
- Sinead Fine, Tarot for Women, https://tarotforwomen.com/
- Lovers Park (or Google Raanana Park) https://youtu.be/bmPO7pWLPqY?si=RVY87EEkTXoKUD4S
- Yazz Bar https://www.yazzbar.com.au/
- 10 of Wands, tarot card from the Rider-Waite deck
- The Fool card in the tarot.
Contact Information for Komeil Asli, Podcast Production Manager.
Freelance Graphic designer, UI/UX Designer and Front-end Developer.
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