Decluttering the Body, Mind, Soul AND Home.
By Åsa Nilsson | Aug 04, 2023
Creating “The Most Beautiful Love Letter You’ll Ever Write”.
After taking the entire month of July off for her Radical Sabbatical, Åsa has uncovered that her life has moved into the *next stage* where ageing parents and ailing siblings have changed her perspective on what’s important now.
The pieces of life’s puzzle are falling into place and the clarity and the vision of what is about to be the next stage of her very IMPORTANT LIFE’S work is being revealed.
Decluttering our bodies, minds, souls and homes is a process, a journey, and to prepare ourselves for the inevitable is an honour… and it can be fun!
“The Art of Swedish Death Cleaning”… it was MADE for Åsa!! She is Swedish, she has an uncanny ability to discuss taboo topics and she loves to organise others.
Let the future unfold.
Host Name: Åsa Nilsson
Host contact Information:
- Some Aha’s from my summer RADICAL SABBATICAL.
- Yet another habit I don’t want to have, the computer.
- Update on my drinking less. Funny how AMNESIA works.
- My ‘Sliding Doors’ moment getting my hair cut off. Nothing to hide.
- My need for routines and schedule.
- When someone else tells you about a skill you have that you hadn’t given much thought to before because you thought ‘everyone’ was good at that. Ahem, pay attention.
- Next stage of my life, ageing parents, ailing siblings. Life is changing and it’s time to get honest and PREPARED! HOW?
- Döstödning.The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning, by Margareta Magnusson. It was like the heavens opened and I saw my life from a perspective of all the pieces of my puzzle falling together. A zipper.
- What’s “The Most Beautiful Love Letter You’ll Ever Write”?
- Having a simple conversation and what a difference it can make for your LEGACY.
- Live in peace today. It’s not about your age, you can do this work as a 40 year old!
- Combination of Scandinavian practicality and the KonMari Method
- It’s a bold and courageous move to take hold of your life. Now THAT’s LEGACY, not leaving your mess for someone else to clean up.
Mentioned in this episode:
- Travel, Fashion, MakeUp Blogger: Jade Paunovich @Jadefashionsherpa
- Book: Döstädning. The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning. Margareta Magnusson. https://www.margaretamagnusson.com/
- Konmari Method, by Marie Kondo. https://konmari.com/
Contact Information for Komeil Asli, Podcast Production Manager.
Freelance Graphic designer, UI/UX Designer and Front-end Developer.
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